Music Birthday

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes the practices of Music Birthday, LLC for collecting, using, maintaining, disclosing, and processing the information that we collect from you. This policy lays out how we secure your data. If you have any questions about the Policy or any questions or comments regarding your data and data retention, please contact us at

This Policy generally applies to the information that Music Birthday, LLC collects, uses, maintains, discloses, and processes. This Policy applies only to information Music Birthday, LLC collects, uses, maintains, discloses, and processes. It does not apply to information collected by Music Birthday, LLC’s business partners. These partners likely have their own privacy policies that apply to the data they collect.

What information does Music Birthday, LLC collect?

The information Music Birthday, LLC collects can generally be described in the following categories:

Personal Information

If designated and agreed upon when first creating your Music Birthday account, we will collect information related to your email address. Additionally, we collect location information associated with your Spotify account. Note this is only on the Country Code level and does not contain any additional identifiable information or location data.

Spotify Related Metadata Information

Music Birthday, LLC additionally collects data associated with the Spotify application including account “Premium” status, account profile picture, number of followers, explicit content parental controls, display name, and user name. Additionally, we collect information around your Spotify most recently listened to tracks and artists. This is disclosed in full when you perform an authentication to the Music Birthday Spotify application.

At this time, the only way to authenticate to Music Birthday is using Spotify

Music Birthday, LLC will retain information as long as is necessary to allow for application functionality.

Music Birthday, LLC takes safeguards to ensure your data is secured.

Why does Music Birthday, LLC collect this information?

Music Birthday, LLC collects, uses, maintains, discloses, and processes both Personal Information and Spotify Related Metadata Information in identifiable forms for multiple purposes, depending on which data point. More specifically, Music Birthday, LLC collects, uses, maintains, discloses, and processes this information to provide the functionality necessary to provide the products and services related to Music Birthday, LLC. Music Birthday, LLC also collects, uses, maintains, discloses, and processes in efforts to improve our customer experience by improving our own products and marketing products and services. Music Birthday, LLC will comply with any legal obligation and provide the necessary data required under the obligation’s terms.

Additionally, Music Birthday, LLC reserves the right to use anonymized or aggregated information, including Spotify Related Metadata Information, to develop our own services, create and publish articles, and otherwise engage in activities that do not result in the disclosure of identifiable information.

Music Birthday, LLC will not sell, rent, or lease your Personal Information in identifiable form to others.

Third Party Data Disclosure

To provide certain products and services, Music Birthday, LLC may share information with third parties who provide services to our own organization, mainly associated software, code, and licenses that power our backend.

Music Birthday, LLC may disclose additional information as needed to support external auditing, compliance, and corporate governance functions.

If Music Birthday, LLC ever wants to share your information for any other purpose (marketing materials, etc.), we will ask for consent and will disclose the purpose of the information sharing at the time of the consent request.

Remove Music Birthday Spotify App Permission

If for some reason you want to remove Music Birthday's permissions to generate your Music Birthday playlist, you can do so by following the instructions here

Music Birthday, LLC may change this Policy at any time. Please refer to the “last updated” date above for indication of when it was last changed. We may or may not contact your directly if there are changes; thus we encourage you to visit this page periodically and check.

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